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Dec 16, 20234 min read
Five things you can do when your book gets rejected
What if your dream agent says no? Here are five things to hang on to when that rejection comes in. It’s the end of 2023 and like...
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Nov 18, 20231 min read
Two-minute grammar explainer: active vs passive voice
What is the passive voice? How do you recognise it? Why would you use it? All the answers can be found in this two-minute video!
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Nov 15, 20235 min read
What I've learned after writing thirteen novels OR How to not give up on your first draft
How to not give up? How not to give up? Does it matter if I split the infinitive? I should probably check a style manual. Or two. And...
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Nov 12, 20233 min read
Is this a story or is it just a scenario?
So you've had an idea, and you think it could be a novel (or a short story, play or film script). But is there enough in it to sustain a...
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Nov 12, 20233 min read
Summoning the idea fairy – how to find a great premise for your novel... and see it grow
Mama, where does inspiration come from? Well child, that’s a good question. Let’s ask Uncle Neil, king of the awesome idea. What is...
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Nov 6, 20234 min read
"So now get up" − writing a first page to captivate your reader
Your book sits on the table at Waterstones and a reader picks it up. Your manuscript lands in the inbox of a prospective agent or...
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Nov 3, 20233 min read
Writing and publishing advice from a ballet-scarred rhinoceros
Once, when typing at speed, I described a character as a "ballet-scarred rhinoceros”. I shared the joke with a friend, and she gave me...
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